increase website traffic

Reached First 1k Clicks on My Website

Recently, I reached the first 1k clicks on my website in pure micro niche. Now, here I am going to share the real-time statistics of this domain and talk about how to increase website traffic organically. 

I recently opened my Google search console, saw these stats, and jumped here to share my learning and experiments.

Currently, this website has not connected to Google AdSense, nor any affiliation or other monetization enabled on this domain. 

The total clicks received in the last 3 months with 1..93 clicks, and the impressions reached 87k, with an average CTR value of 1.3%. 

Here, these stats are not enough to showcase, but still share this, because many fellow SEOs, and business owners struggling to reach their 1k clicks on their websites and always looking for how to increase website traffic organically. 

The Main Traffic Source

Here are the stats of the top 3 pages, that performed well in the last 3 months. 

  • The first page receives 251 clicks with 18,716 impressions with an average CTR percentage of 1.3%. 
  • The second page receives 114 clicks on 15,116 impressions with a 0.8% CTR percentage.

The stats of the most clicked page: 

  • This is because of the clickable title, which increases the CTR of that page and leads to more traffic or clicks through SERP.

If your website receives continuous clicks, then this increases the chance of that page ranking higher and staying in the top 5 or top 10, based on this CTR ratio. 

Image Source: From Linkedin – (You Can Also Check) 

About This Website

I grabbed this domain 2023, and worked very little on it, as it contains 12 blog posts, but the main traffic is from our 2 or 3 blog posts only, because these blogs are written based on high research, and others are just released without any research. 

So, keyword research, competition research, and play a very important role in increasing website traffic organically. 

Here is the Real Age of This Domain:

How to Increase Website Traffic Organically?

If you are a blogger, or website owner, then you need to focus on these few things, to increase organic traffic on your website from the first month of implementing these SEO tips, which are as follows:

Quality Content

  • Share your insights, the latest trends updates, your day-to-day routine, or your journey.
  • You must focus on quality and relevant content to your niche.
  • Also, focus on your primary location and brand mention.
  • Try to focus on brand voice, to build your brand.
  • Try to build topical authority in your domain.

Keyword Research

  • Primarily focuses on low-difficulty keywords.
  • Then focus on long tail keywords.
  • Then research on LSI keywords.
  • Go with the seed keyword first.
  • Must focus on keyword Intent.

User Intention

  • User experience
  • Navigational Intent
  • Informational intent 
  • Local Intent
  • Optimizing for User Intent
  • Refine Meta Descriptions
  • Optimize Call to Actions

Competitor Analysis

  • Keyword research
  • Measure the content depth

Enroll in 126 Dasy- Rapid SEO Bootcamp

Vivek ChhimPa recently launched his digital marketing course in Hisar and his SEO course in Hisar, to learn practical SEO from scratch with digital marketing exposure. 

Who is Vivek ChhimPa?

Vivek ChhimPa is a marketing consultant who specializes in SEO and Content Writing. He primarily focuses on the content that ranks and drives traffic. He is a paramedical student turned full-time content creator and now become a Haryana govt certified digital marketing trainer and consultant in North India.

To know More Click Here –  Vivek ChhimPa.

What to Next on This Website?

After this achievement, I can focus on these few steps:

  • Rewrite those blog posts, which are not getting impressions and clicks naturally.
  • Start building backlinks, an average of 200 monthly. 
  • Try to add more niche-relevant content to this domain.

I will share with you the journey of reaching 1k to 2k on this website in the My Journey section of this website. So, stay tuned or subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest updates, insights, and industry trends. 

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